Member's Column

This is a space that contains articles, notes, letters, poems, etc contributed by our members. We hope that you will find this area of our web site interesting and enjoyable.

This information is published here with a minimal amount of editing should not be considered to be statements of the Church Of God, International or the ministry of the Church of God, International.They are the ideas and expressions of our members who feel the desire to share their thoughts with you.

Roger King

My Life is a Sponge, Felicia Eaton, August, 2007

Forgiveness, Pass it ON, Felicia Eaton, June 2010

A One Word Prayer "FATHER!", Roger King, July 2010

Let There Be God, Poem , Mary King, August 2010

Why Me Lord, Vivian Hall, October, 2010

Festival in Australia 2003, Mary King, November, 2003
